MSC 09512922 40HS/40HC 40S2F/40C2F Drill/Mill Instructions Parts Manual



Number of Pages: 46

This is a reproduction, not a photocopy, of an original Complex Drill/Mill Models 40HS/40HC 40S2F/40C2F Instructions and Parts Manual. These drill/mills were made in Taiwan and imported under a variety of brand names like Grizzly, Enco, and as an MSC Model 0951292.

This is a very informative manual for a drill/mill. This manual goes into a lot of details about operating the various parts of these models. Some models had a power down feed, which this manual covers. This manual covers all the various adjustments like to the quill return spring, table slack, etc… It also has wiring diagrams, and clear explosive view diagrams of all the parts with parts list and descriptions.


I have collected this information for many years and have found the information they contain to be priceless in using and setting up the machines properly. I believe this manual will be a valuable resource of knowledge that will provide a lot of helpful information that is often hard to find. My manuals are not photocopies. I maintain a high standard of quality in my reproductions. Most of the manuals I reproduce look better than their originals. I have professionally digitally edited every page, and removed stains, wrinkles and handwriting. All of the manuals are printed on thick white paper to withstand shop wear and tear; they are then comb bound with heavy cover pages so they lie flat on the workbench. Better than a pdf download.