KEARNEY & TRECKER Milwaukee TF Series Milling Machine Operator’s Manual



Number of Pages: 32

This is a reproduction, not a photocopy, of an original Kearney & Trecker Milwaukee TF Series for Horizontal and Vertical Milling Machine Operator Manual No. TFC-5. This manual covers models 210, 220, 310, 320, 315, 330, 415, and 430.  This covers all plain, universal, or vertical milling machines.

This manual is quite informative. It shows pictures of all the machines with descriptions of all the levers. It does the same with the lubrication points. This manual covers all the controls and ways to change the speed. It covers all the controls on the knee, and explains how to operate them properly. The manual also covers how to setup and use the automatic cycle table feature, and it covers preventative maintenance.



I have collected this information for many years and have found the information they contain to be priceless in using and setting up the machines properly. I believe this manual will be a valuable resource of knowledge that will provide a lot of helpful information that is often hard to find. My manuals are not photocopies. I maintain a high standard of quality in my reproductions. Most of the manuals I reproduce look better than their originals. I have professionally digitally edited every page, and removed stains, wrinkles and handwriting. All of the manuals are printed on thick white paper to withstand shop wear and tear.